I have questions -

1. If DC and Mrs DC had diagnosed #Covid19, had their son been locked in a cupboard for the previous 2wks?

2. Assuming said child was NOT in a cupboard, does it not follow that he should also have been quarantined?

3. On the 260 mile - approx 4hr long journey - did nobody need to pee? Really? (*cough* bullshit)

4. Why was it ok to hand care of an exposed child, of furniture licking and bogey wall wiping age, over to two elderly, therefore higher death risk, parents?

5. When DC and Mrs DC were allegedly isolating at the 'rents, who was bringing them food? Did they get up to pee? Did they wipe down every single surface they came into contact with?

6. Where the fuck does the sister fit into all this?

7. Why did Mrs DC claim they'd isolated in London, and she'd made 'forts' to amuse her child if they weren't even there? Why did she feel the need to lie if what they were doing wasn't 'wrong'? Who's idea was it?

8. Why do they think we're all fucking stupid?

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