The cyberstalkers that have helped me, tho they cannot give themselves up for fear of what law enforcem traitors would do, told me they use police computer to access my brain using excuse 'we think she killed her dad?" my dad passed2009 w/anarysm at VA hosp?
This excuse is being used to access me at home w/surveillance/torment as these gangs r paid by Google and other satanic groups using predesigned mind control to capture Americans "(targeted individuals)" It is the Obama group behind all of this, gay nazis
This is why I want you all "targeted individuals" to watch this video from years ago re 'prolonged detention' as we have found out that dark gov in NSA, etc. used 'scripts' w/mind control access to frame many Americans for the future as well as present,
What I am trying to tell you is that 'scripts' in algorithms were written by even NSA re certain Americans and the group responsible for the mind control and wanting to get rid of real humans, they use police software, facial recog, as if the TIs are suspected terrorists.
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