Sometimes I think EC thrives because a lot of its shit principles are – at baseline – already accepted in secular culture.

Before I converted, I was *used* to thinking it was my fault if a guy grabbed my ass at a dance club.

A) I was there.

B) I was wearing a halter top.
When evangelicalism came along and affirmed it - making me wear tank tops under v necks so I didn't become a "stumbling block" for my "brothers-in-Christ" – it wasn’t that hard to swallow.

I had already gotten the message from secular culture. My body = dangerous.
The church, I thought, was giving me a solution.
In sum, I’m forever interested in the intersections of evangelical culture & secular culture.

Blaming women for harassment/violation via clothing?

Generalized homophobia & compulsive heteronormativity?

The belief that men should have jurisdiction over their daughter’s bodies?
It’s all there in secular culture. & evangelicalism capitalizes by making things “spiritual.”

“Dress modestly, or else your brothers will stumble.”

“God created marriage to be between men and women.”

“The male is head of the household, just as Christ is head of the church.”
Aka, it’s the same – just wrapped in different paper.

& evangelicals give themselves a leg up by making it about your soul.
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