The darkness in the city still looms, People still stuck without basic amenities, can’t imagine the plight in the interiors and districts. The apathy in circles beyond Eastern India seems unreal. Like so many of the lanes, my uncle’s house had a tree fallen on the fence...cont.
They have been without electricty, net connectivity (first day we couldn’t even call them) drinking water for most of the period. Dad could reach them to help today only since roads in our areas have been all barricaded due to fallen structures and trees. #Kolkata #CycloneAmphan
My cousin is specially abled and ageing uncle and aunt have been barely been able to handle the situation and have her fed. But all of us under circumstances still are better off, than people we see around with no roof, no one to reach out to. If you still think politics is...
..the answer to the misery of a state’s citizens on their of voting rights,it is time this nation and media revisit it’s moral core and reflect. The next generations will turn back and question when they read of the apathy in their history books.
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