#Texans Daily Deshaun Watson Thread:

Watch this beautiful throw down the sideline to Kenny Stills. I really hope we continue to use Stills on these deep routes, he's just another great Will Fuller insurance policy.

Look at the touch and outside ball placement by D4. Beautiful.
The Colts send 6 on this play but Deshaun remains composed. He steps up in the pocket and instead of scrambling, he keeps his eyes downfield and finds the open Akins.

Akins did a great job to chip the edge defender, then leak out to the middle of the field. Great play by both.
Here's the RPO game that the Texans used to abuse teams with slow LBs like vs the Raiders and Chiefs. Akins fakes a block in the backfield, then leaks out into the flat for the easy first down. Would love to see more progressions off of the RPO game next season.
I LOVE this playcall and it was something that I called for during the season. Really glad they did it. We play action fake to the right and Darren Fells sneaks out of the formation to the left. This gets him running in the opposite direction of the entire defense and a huge gain
Duke Johnson is a beast, plain and simple. He can't be guarded by LB's in space. He runs a great corner route here for the TD and just leaves the LB dazed and confused. Deshaun finds him for the easy TD, and Duke in the passing game in the end zone was money all year.
It's hard to see with the sun but Kenny Stills is at the top of the screen and runs a nice dig route for the first down. He does great to cut off his route at the stem, so that the CB can't undercut him. D4 and Stills had a great connection, and it should only get stronger.
More great play design here, look at the bottom of the screen. Kenny is lined up inside, with Carter slightly outside of him. But as they release, they switch, with Carter going inside and Kenny outside. Then Carter runs a corner and D4 gives him a perfect ball to get YAC too.
This play really shows off how D4's threat of being a runner, puts defenses in a compromised situation. As he rolls out to the right, the defender guarding Darren Fells in the endzone decides to chase after Watson instead. This leaves Fells wide open for an easy TD.
We go back to our patented RPO play and things dont look good early. Fells is covered, and D4 has to scramble, seemingly out of bounds. But he delays the play for as long as possible, buying time for the defense to attack him, and leave Fells open for the clutch throw and catch.
It just makes sense to end this thread with the kick in the eye, blind touchdown from D4 to Fells. This play was ridiculous and an MVP level play. D4 avoids the sack, gets kicked in the eye, covers his eye, and throws a blind touchdown, great ball to Fells. Just ridiculous.
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