Science is a way of knowing things.
Technology is ways of doing things.
Nothing about the indisputable knowledge of climate scientists gives them any advantage regarding selecting appropriate technology to solve the problem they have correctly identified.
This matters.
2. I just listened to a long webinar about climate change. At no point in the webinar did the presenter acknowledge any biological contribution to the carbon cycle.
We know - "science" knows - that the carbon cycle is virtually 100% a biological process.
3. This scientist, and to the best of my knowledge all respected climate scientists, advocated a 100% technological solution to the problem he defined. No biological processes were even considered.
The only processes which have *ever* removed atmospheric carbon.
Not on the table.
4. At no point in the webinar did this scientist acknowledge the existence of biological power sources which might provide needed energy for our maintenance as a species.
Biological power (including our muscles) provided all the energy we ever needed until we launched warming.
5. This scientist spoke extensively, toward the end of his presentation, of the concept of "full", of our absolute carbon budget. OK, I got that.
Then we he spoke of solutions he went straight to technology, because some day in theory those technologies can operate with 0 C out.
6. At that point the concept of "full up" disappeared from his presentation. Since "someday" a wind turbine will reach break-even (theoretically at least) it's contribution to expending our entire budget can be ignored.
That is patently false.
7. His solutions at the end still had to rely on non-existent, not invented technology to remove carbon because we can never, ever get to 0 emissions AND WE KNOW THAT.
8. It is a rude but accurate fact that climate scientists are not particularly knowledgeable in topics of manufacturing, shipping, building, maintaining, and operating renewable energy systems.
What they know does not give them expertise outside their knowledge.
9. When we boast of how this or that nation has reduced their carbon emissions using renewable energy technology, we entirely ignore the exported emissions happening where their technology is being manufactured.
Earth ain't fooled.
Me neither.
10. Here is my objective:
Create a global human society which operates over the long term without degrading the ecosystems which make life on Earth at the current level possible.
Feed and house all the people. Eliminate mass extinction. Eliminate topsoil loss.
-objective cont.
11. Eliminate climate change / heat energy increase
Reduce atmospheric carbon to pre-1800 levels.
I can do that with biological technology.
Can you do it without it?
No "and then we invent a..." steps allowed.
I don't believe it's possible.
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