Sorry for the big rant below but I am so so angry.
Our whole household have had what we can only assume is Coronavirus. Being a parent is hard in this pandemic. My daughter has previously been under the pediatric respiratory consultant at the Royal London for 3 years so I was particularly worried as she started to show symptoms.
When my husband was ill I moved on to the sofa for over a week to try and delay any symptom onset in me in the hope we wouldn't both be sick at the same time, for the children's sake. One evening, laying on the sofa I read about poor Ismail Mohamed Abdulwahab the 13 year old boy.
This was before they started to allow a parent to visit a sick child and I cried for him but also at the thought that my daughter might die in hospital scared and all alone. In fact as I type this my eyes well up again, the fear is real.
My parents too live in County Durham & are lucky enough to have space, green fields around them and a little cottage next to their house where we could have stayed. But we didn't, we followed the rules not for our benefit but so as not to put others at risk. Is'nt that the point?
And I'm lucky, how much more must a parent fear they will not be able to look after their children if they are singe/have no support network/cant afford food if made unemployed/ are high risk.
I'm not angry he did it, lots do, I am angry the government are backing him up.
This isn't a matter of parents making a judgement for their young son, this is a matter of them believing their situation was in some way different to millions of others. We know its scary for parents, we are in the same boat, except he got a government approved airlift our!
Fianlly, please someone ask if it's now ok for a family to travel to another home if they are worried they may get coronations from a partner and they have a child? Can the answer show modelling of the effect on the R value if all families in that situation acted in this way?
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