Selecting @amyklobuchar=disaster:

-Abuses ppl
-Displays many unstable characteristics
-Lack of honesty: deliberately misrepresented words of opponents in Trmp-like fashion
-Will represent giant GTH to Black Dem voters, who saved @JoeBiden's _ _ _ = poor turnout, vitally needed.
In response to a replier who deleted their tweet:

The more of us who chime in, greater the chance @JoeBiden cmpgn will hear us

@SymoneDSanders @rufusgifford @K_JeanPierre

IMO, it doesn't violate ROTR respectfulness to point out disturbing JB moves+alarming AK factors/behavior
Aside from BAD ideas for VP, consider:
- @KamalaHarris surpasses all contenders in every category
-Often an excuse when systemic racism reacts to a *real Black individual* ???
-RACISM is why we hv GOP in power; need a Black voice at WH table to guide USA away from its major fault.
#Khive+ #TeamPete

Please see this thread @blackwomenviews @TheSydneyA @KingOfClapBacks @mayatcontreras @sjs856 @heatherrosegoes

I'm over here in @PeteButtigieg-ville (happily there) yellin' including to @JoeBiden campaign re @KamalaHarris+more ppl need to hear our voices!

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