A few days ago I helped my boyfriend with a class for the police academy - I pretended to be an inmate who only spoke Chinese & some of them full on panicked, asked me over & over if I speak English or need a translator. Most just spoke more loudly & slowly at me.
I don’t blame them, they believed I was a real criminal & had to deal with my outbreak accordingly. But I started thinking about how it relates to our lives in the sense that...if something’s not working, try something else. You can’t always just push harder or talk louder.
If something you’re doing isn’t working...figure it out. Change it. You can’t just say that everyone else is being difficult because that’s just not always true! Even if they are, YOU get to control what you do & say. Communication goes both ways.
I like to do things “my way”, but it’s not always the best way. Since starting a new project with a team & countless people to reach, I’ve had to shut up, listen, & realize other perspectives exist. I’ve changed what I do or there wouldn’t be peace.
You can follow @jenxu_atc.
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