Saying AKA “breached the rules” of a quarrel by mentioning Sizwe’s grandad is like complaining that your opponent breached the rules in a fight by using a weapon on you. If you think your opponent cares about being fair during a fight, be it verbal or physical, you’re delusional.
There are no rules in altercations. If a nigga can say something during a verbal altercation that they think will get to you I promise you they will say it. If a nigga can grab a weapon during a physical fight I promise you they will. “Fighting fair” is the least of their worries
Avoid all forms of confrontation if you’re the type who believes that there’s “rules” in quarrels that niggas must abide to & that there’s some etiquette that must be adhered to during quarrels to make it a “fair” quarrel. You’ll learn the hard way that that’s not how fights work
You’ll be the kid who runs home to fetch your dad because a rival at the playground called your mom a bad name during a quarrel. So you get your dad to intimidate him & get him to apologize. Instead of setting the rival straight & dealing with them right there, IN THE STREETS.
There are no rules in quarrels.
Be it verbal or physcial.
Niggas will come at you how they see fit during quarrels. Whether you like it or not.

If you think rules exist good luck trying to convince your opponents to come at you “fair” during a fight.
You can follow @Malome_Frank.
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