as much as i know it wont come back, and that it cant, i MISS the trio. i MISS last year.

i miss getting excited for the next video with bad, skep and a6d. and their survival series'. and their streams together. their twitter interactions. i miss that so damn much.
i miss being excited to come on twitter every morning and see what i missed, or anxiously waiting for that darn trio podcast to come out. i miss not being scared to come on twitter to see them being cancelled again.

i miss being excited for every. single. skeppy. upload.
i MISS when a6d interacted with everyone, when he would talk in groupchats, hell, when he and skye would troll the fandom. i miss when he did mail opening streams, and his reaction when he got something nice.

i miss skeppys qnas. his rt deals. his dms. his general activeness on
twitter. i miss when he first started following and interacting with people, when everyone got so excited for eachother when they got a reply or dm.

i miss his streams, both solo and with bad/a6d. they were always so amazing to watch. i miss the timeline going crazy during them.
god i miss so many more things,, i miss all the damn memes. the mr squeegee saga. minecraft monday especially,, there was something so special about those streams. i miss skeppys older videos from that time. i miss him using fasters songs for intros.

i miss bads art spams.
i could go on for years, i miss SO many things, i still rewatch all the content we got from around august last year, honestly. its the one thing that will always cheer me up.

i know they wont come back and make more videos, and thats for the best. i know the fandom will never
be the same again, as much as it hurts to admit

but as much as i understand that it wont be the same, and that its for the best, i MISS them. i miss the old fandom so damn much, & all the people who have left.

as much as i love everything happening now, i miss the past so much.
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