And, in what-is-now-an-Akash-tradition, here are three things I've learned in my 32 years on this planet.
***We must expand while everyone else contracts***

With what's going on in the world, it's easier than ever to fall into our vices.

Overindulgence of basically everything is the new normal.
But if we wish to be leaders in any capacity, and if we actually want a life of abundance, joy, focus, and success (whatever that means to you), then it would be wise to go against the temptation to contract.
Are we becoming more fit while it's tempting to sit around?
Are we becoming more focused while it's easier than ever to be distracted?
Are we creating when it's all too easy to quit?

This is a golden time to launch the new project, to want more, and to be more. Use it.
Does this mean we can't take breaks, feel down, or have some fun? No, of course not. All those things are great and necessary.

Just keep in mind that we can choose how to engage with what's been presented to us.
***Ambition does not need to be defended***

And speaking of wanting more, I'm seeing more and more people start to hate on ambition as I get older.

It's become cool to be complacent.
If we tell someone that we just ate 4 pizzas and did literally nothing all month, we'd likely get a fistbump and a "hell yeah brah."
If we tell someone that we wake up early to put in the work to make our dreams real, we're more likely to get stared at like we just took a dump on the floor and tap danced out of the room.
Our ambition will reveal fear, possessiveness, and jealousy in those who aren't working toward their potential, and reveals kindness, curiosity, and generosity in those that are.

We can be happy and grateful with what we have, while also wanting more for ourselves and others.
After all, those who are trying to hold us back now will tell us they "believed in us the whole time" when the success hits.
***Positivity is a rebellion***

While it's uncool to be ambitious, it's even less-so to be positive, uplifting, and a driving force.
Posting about how the world is out to get us is the accepted norm.

Not believing in ourselves/others is par for the course.

Watching the news all day and living in a state of constant anger is now called "staying informed."
Many are fighting for their limitations so that they may keep them.

And so, being positive is a rebellion in and of itself.

Being a person who helps, who uplifts others, and who help people across the finish line is exceedingly rare, and it's what I stand for.
It's a just cause to go after your dreams… especially if everyone else is telling you not to.

So rebel.

Rebel every single day.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to eat an everything. đź’–
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