I would love to know why Dhaka went in such a more pro-urban direction with planning than Indian cities. These newly developed parts of town don't look like they have any of India's low-density-or-bribes zoning pathologies https://www.google.com/maps/@23.8784656,90.3974233,3a,90y,88.24h,108.01t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sh7ucGULFu3GG5KfTIT5nug!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Good question. I can't really tell because Pakistani cities don't have Google Street View https://twitter.com/bensh__/status/1264221376744914950
Dhaka is obviously much poorer and desperately needs a metro and better sanitation infrastructure, but in 30 years, which city feels like it will be more pleasant, Dhaka or Mumbai?
Lots of Dhaka also seems like it's completely car-proof. I'm sure today this feels backwards to Dhakans, but eventually they'll realize that it's a much better position to be in than, say, Delhi's
I knew Bangladesh surpassed Pakistan in GDP per capita, I did not know that Bangladesh is well ahead of India and Pakistan in life expectancy https://twitter.com/Borners1/status/1264224941198606336
Kind of ironic that Dhaka is routinely labeled one of the least livable cities on earth when Dhakans are literally able to live longer than most other people in South Asia
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