Sadly this kind of response is typical. @find_evil was right to call this guy out, and now has an army of assholes after her because folks honestly don’t like it when people have to face consequences for their actions, especially when those people are white dudes
It’s easy: if you do something and it has an impact you didn’t intend, apologize (“sorry I did x”, not “sorry you got upset”) & fix it. I do this multiple times a day at home for example.
And I get defensive too sometimes! Being called out challenges my narrative that I’m a good person. But guess what’s much worse than hurting someone unintentionally? Getting defensive and doubling down on it. Just own it like an adult.
What’s especially shitty is all the white dudes jumping in to defend this grown man. If someone from a marginalized group politely points out that you’ve done something that hurts them, and you are not from that group, here’s what you do: STFU and listen. Then apologize & fix it.
(And yes, the eagle eyed among you may have spotted I am a white dude. That’s why I consider it part of the job to call this shit out, because if I’m not calling it, I’m complicit.)
Ok muting this thread now. I’ve apparently pissed off a number of people, and in general the responses have not made me regret what I said.
. @johnny__rage blocked me straight after posting this, but he can be absolutely sure it won't work. By all means have at it though.
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