1/4I didn't see this before!
"She wills herself to kill ANOTHER person who she loves"
"SHE DOESN'T she cant!"
Omg she was thinking about killing Finn while she was looking at Bell and her tears were rolling in that scene
Finn the person she was romantically in love with! #the100
2/4 But this time with Bellamy she can't while the whole human race is at stake!
It was another piece of her soul what was on the line.
She couldn't do it because she loves him and I think that's beautiful and so damn important! đŸ„ș❀ #bellarke #the100
3/4 Another interesting thing is that B thought she was gonna do it (after she explains about saving the human race) he was not surprised about it!
But she didn't, so Bell must be surprised about that🙊
After that eps they had beautiful scenes together and were really close! 😏
4/4 you all remember the convo in the car before they crash..

The moment C takes off her suit..

The very intimate hug with 2 hands closed around him
The heart and the head convo

So in other words no we are not delusional about S4 ending, it was romantic #bellarke
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