My account has been restricted for 3 days for 'spam' violation. I appealed but won't get back to me for past 3 days.đŸ€” No idea what tweet caused this. Had no warning. (Help center says they warn first). Anyone know how to find out cause? Thx😊
My following has been reduced from 2446 just 8 hours ago, to 2. No warning or indication of suspect tweet that caused the carnage...just 'spam' violation. Any ideas? Thx.
I noticed that if I click follow, it is added to my following count. I now have 3... It will be interesting to see if the true count is reinstated after my surprise restriction (suspension). I will add to this thread. ThxđŸ€”đŸ˜Š
You can follow @Taking_Babylon.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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