I talk to y’all a lot about my son Bergen- you probably know he loves dinosaurs and eagles and is sweet and precocious. But we have another little dude in our family: his name is Anders and he is 2. Let me tell you a bit about him.
Anders loves apples. He could eat apples all day every day. The minute he gets home from anywhere he scurries to the pantry to fish out an apple and happily munches it.

He spins when he’s happy and claps when he’s proud. He makes sounds that are akin to a truffle pig.
He can put on his own socks and loves to be pushed on the swing and go for long walks. He loves our dog Baxter but finds Pablo kind of overwhelming.

Singing “Sleeping Bunnies” to him makes him lose his mind with laughter. He’s made our family whole and brought us so much joy.
(Oh and he’s obsessed with this random carton of vegetable stock and carries it around a lot, The End)
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