This is an important piece by @ajaishukla. 
Some thoughts on the scale and nature of Chinese actions and implications for India.
A. No matter how much infra China builds close to the LAC, India infra buildup is always opposed. 1/n
This is standard Chinese practice. Ladakh has witnessed infra-related issues for years now. These are well-documented and have been brought to attention by politicians too, incl. Farooq Abdullah and @OmarAbdullah 2/n
B. The Galwan river being an agreed section of the LAC does not preclude intrusions but China's sending in 5,000 troops is not a negotiating tactic - it is an attempt to change the status quo. In Doklam, the Chinese were in a spot difficult to hold. 3/n
C. How well can China hold Galwan past winter? The nature of India's response should give you the answer. Thus, what does the claim that "Indian forces have not challenged or confronted the PLA" suggest? Unlikely though that such challenge will not occur, if it hasn't already 5/n
D.If injuries to Indian soldiers in clashes earlier this month were serious enough to require evac to Delhi, then again, the Chinese came prepared for more than a tiny bust-up. 6/n
E. The 2017 video of the Pangong-tso confrontation should have been enough warning things would turn nasty. And they might turn nastier still, if "the PLA has stopped responding to Indian requests for flag meetings". 7/n
F. Why are the Chinese unwilling to talk?
i)the lianghui -equivalent of the Chinese parliamentary sessions are underway in Bj right now with a few hundred PLA delegates attending - a significant interest grp. Solutions, if any will be found only after the two sessions end 8/n
ii) the Chinese want to send a clear msg about the consequences of local "unilateral" moves by India -change in status of Ladakh; infra buildup. The latter have positive impact on Indian response times. 9/n
iii) pandemic opportunism, Taiwan question, US statements, India's WHO role? - i don't buy it - this is local and this is bilateral. 10/n
G. India's choices?
Repeat Doklam -stand your ground. But this time increase PR in other countries. During Doklam, MEA took brevity way past whatever Shakespeare intended. Delhi should put in at least the same effort it did to get two-bit Pak terrorists sanctioned at the UN 11/n
The pandemic tells us that China's as concerned about global damage to its reputation as it about local/LAC incidents. Don't expect others to help but India should get the world to notice.
In this case, widening the arc of confrontation will prevent scaling up at local level 12/n
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