Dear Magic Twitter,
This thread is for those who actively participate in cancel culture, malicious shitposting, and the perpetuating of magic drama.
You embarrass yourself daily.
You take away from the creative space this platform can be, and
We are disappointed in you.
We know that most of the community looks on passively at the unprofessionalism and immaturity on this site with hopes that our purposeful failure to retweet or like the toxicity will stymie the effect that Your behavior has on our community.
Unfortunately, this morning was the 3rd day in a row that we’ve woken up with the hopes of—reading harmless memes about Distant Memories, metagame updates, cute exchanges between Dylan Hand and Allison Warfield, badassery from Liz Lynn, awesome vod clips of MPL gameplay,
A celebratory tweet of the The Jump King himself Cain Rianhard smashing with mono white, yet another preliminary or online ptq Top 8 by Sam Rolph, updates to the companion mechanic, and the usual things we revel in reading on a daily basis— only to be let down again.
It seems that our community cannot go more than a month without a cataclysm of drama erupting around lives of the people most visible in our community. Do the people that perpetuate the drama get a sense of satisfaction when those who do not come to twitter for the same reasons
as Us, like their tweet—or even it share it? Perhaps. Do they realize the lasting effect it has on the lives of the subject of the content? Likely no. Do they care? Absolutely not.
We truly believe Twitter is a space for free expression and to make yourself heard.
If you feel strongly about something, share it. If you agree with someone else’s content, like it. And if an idea resounds with you, retweet it and share it with those in your closer circle. But, act wisely before you participate in the perpetuation of drama.
Just one consider the lasting consequences of pressing share when the latest new drama explodes. Believe me when I tell you us Passive Viewers look down upon you when we see when your true colors rear it’s ugly head,
We see when...
You put another‘s life in the spot light;
You eviscerate them verbally, And attempt to convince others your view is right;
You subtweet and attack those that come to the defense of those you choose to single out;
You humiliate yourself in your endeavor to tear that person down.
We see when you lose sight of what our community is really about.
Magic drama will not go away, it is inevitable.

There is no hope of fixing the root of the problem, only the hope that this thread echoes in the back of Your mind before You choose to perpetuate the latest drama.
With Heavy Hearts,

Those Whose Threads are Haunted by Drama.
You can follow @Teacher_Stan.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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