How about a thread talking about some of the new #SPFBO entries? I'll look through the list as Mark posts it and talk about the one's that catch my attention. Last year's thread was LONG...this one will likely be a bit shorter, but we'll see.
The very first book in the list HALF A SOUL by Olivia Atwater is described as Pride & Prejudice meets Howl's Moving Castle and I'm kinda here for that. Will this be a year for regency romance?
LIMBO by @devecque is one I've already read. Enjoyed it. It's a unique tale and I'm very interested to see what group it ends up in. I think a lot of folks are likely to enjoy LIMBO, my review is here:
We have another entry from J.C. Kang this year. I've enjoyed several of his Tivara novels. Haven't read this year's entry yet, but it definitely sounds interesting! Anyone else already read CROWN OF THE SUNDERED EMPIRE?
SPIT AND SONG by @traviswanteat is in! I thoroughly enjoyed this one when I read it (seriously guys, I have a blurb on the book, you should read it). It's a testament to how fierce the competition is each year that Travis hasn't had one of his books as a finalist.
THE HEADLOCK OF DESTINY by @samuel_gately is in! I'm excited about this one. I really enjoyed it when I read it this spring. Just so much fun! You can check out my review below, but really, go check out the book.
LAST MEMORIA by @RachelEmma_Shaw sounds really interesting. This is the first I've seen it or heard about it, but I'm definitely intrigued. This is why I love #SPFBO so much!
A DARK INHERITANCE by @ToddHerzman is another one that sounds interesting. I am here for telekinetic monks. Also, his website says he likes Stargate SG-1 and Final Fantasy, so, um...that's awesome! Best of luck in the competition, Todd!
There are lots of books people love and have recommended to me that I just haven't gotten to yet. THE OBSIDIAN PSALM by @ClaytonSnyder2 is one of those. I really need to read it, because it sounds so good!
I'm currently reading SHADOW OF A DEAD GOD by @patricksamphire. Very glad this one is entered, because I'm enjoying it and--while I haven't finished yet--feel like this one is going to get noticed in the competition.
With PRIESTESS OF ISHANA by @JudithStarkston I literally didn't read any further than "forgotten bronze age Hittite civilization." Fantasy inspired by the ancient Hittites?! Someone who has studied the same era of history I have? I am HERE for it!
I, EXILE by David Samuels is another that I've been meaning to read. It's been on my list for a couple months and just hasn't gotten to the top. It's VERY close though, so I'm looking forward to diving in. @TheFilipMagnus enjoyed it, and that means a great deal to me.
OF HONEY AND WILDFIRES by @BookwormBlues is wonderful. I'll include my review below, because I loved it and think you will too. This one has the potential to go very far in the competition.
I've only glanced through the list up until the first 40 or so that Mark has posted. I have already read several, heard about others, and some are completely new. But I think it'll be another year of fierce competition. #SPFBO time is literally like Christmas.
I'm intrigued by the description of VOICE OF WAR by Zack Argyle. "A young man's life changes after he dies" is the sort of thing that only makes sense in a fantasy novel, and it sets my mind to wondering.
The cover art for FLIGHT OF THE SKYCRICKET by Gordon Greenhill is whimsical and sort of says middle grade/YA. I need to take a closer look at this one sometime.
We get the latest from @benedictpaddy in THE FLIGHT OF THE DARKSTAR DRAGON. Haven't read it yet. Have heard great things, which is unsurprising as Benedict writes great stuff. You should check it out--and best of luck this year!
I need to go grab some lunch, I'll be back at this in a bit. And, remember how I said this thread wouldn't get to the size of last year's? Um. Yeah. About that...
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