Hana’s passing hits me so deeply in my soul. A few months ago I found myself the target of harassment here on Twitter while also battling serious compulsive self harm.

Part of me wanted to show my body, how much I was hurting already. I thought it might make the harassment stop
I was attacked by a former best friend, friends, business associates, estranged contacts, strangers, customers, people I’ve commissioned for work. You name it. Many of them still have me blocked.

This also provided hundreds the opportunity to play the “I never liked him game.”
When proof came out that I had my identity stolen, the attacks ceased. I felt relieved.Some apologized & that was nice. But the ones who made the most noise were nowhere to be found when it was all over

Though I am in treatment, I now look like Sabu & the self harm never stopped
I remember a friend asked “would you really take your life cuz of them?”

He didn’t understand that our community, my connection with you all, my artwork *is* my life. During those days and weeks I thought I lost it.
“If I die, I won’t feel this and they won’t act like this anymore,” selfishly I thought.

While my battle with self harm is my problem, my fault, and no one else’s responsibility, it was exacerbated by people claiming good intentions.. to “take out the trash” in our community.
When hoardes of people single out the few for harassment, for whatever reason, the results can be catastrophic.

Imagine hundreds..thousands of people outside your house shouting profanities, urging you to hurt yourself. Poor Hana!! She deserved so much better.
Yes we are performers, yes we have subjected ourselves and our art to public scrutiny, NO this does NOT give you the right to dehumanize and assault us.

Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity! If you find yourself ready to join a pile on do yourself a favor and walk away.
Please don’t give me your sympathy, put that energy toward honoring Hana’s memory & being kind.

You truly never know what type of battle someone is fighting so please.. just try to be nice.

#RIPHanaKimura. You will forever inspire me and you deserved so much better than this.
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