and it's done! a mix of sweet red wine and hard lemonade, paired with green apple, blueberries, and strawberries

now to let this bad boy steep awhile
you can tell it's done when the apple slices start turning this delightful shade of pink

I've paired it with fries and grilled chicken tenders for dinner--their lemony zest plus the tartness of green apples in lemonade should play well together
this drink is *great*

pairing the sour tastes of lemon and green apple with a red wine creates a powerful zing, a polite yet firm request to drink it in sips and really savor it

which is good--it limits my temptation to overindulge in the sweetness of the wine plus the berries
you can control the apples' absorption with the thickness of your cuts

thin apple slices taste very strongly of the alcohol they soak in, whereas thicker slices retain more of their original apple taste
so do I turn this thread into my drunkthread or just start a new one

hopefully it doesn't matter much either way--this drink's just got me feeling really happy and grateful

thank you all for hearing me out, sharing your interests, and otherwise being my friends 🥰
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