Some ppl in the replies are saying that rating everone on a scale of attractiveness is normal behavior that we all participate in and I *cannot* stress enough that it isn't and you only think it is because you are trapped in an arrested stage of development with your friends
Assigning a number value to a person's objective physical attractiveness is like trying to give a letter grade to the experience of time as if we all feel it the same way at any given moment and can make collective judgments about it. 6 pm gets a D-. See how stupid that sounds?
Human sexuality is far, far too amorphous, complex, and context dependent to be reduced to numbers on a scale, you imbeciles
The most you can really do is say "this person is more attractive to me than this person." And even that will change with time. Nothing is constant, everything is extremely subjective.
The heirarchy of attractiveness you think you possess isn't even really yours, it was sold to you. Men will think *anything* is hot if you tell them that posessing it signifies higher status and conformity to your values; see the WILD shift in ideal ass size from the 90s to now
I guarantee you no straight guy in the hundreds of thousands of years we've been selecting sex partners conceived of a "thigh gap" as something to prioritize until maybe ten years ago. Its all meaningless bullshit you map onto your dick because what you really want is power
The minute you stop rating people and accept that your desires are extremely subjective and context specific, and that every person is bringing their whole selves to the table in a way that can't and shouldn't be quantified---you'll finally have grown the fuck up.
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