If you think destorying an artist's esteem/confidence is "criticism" please don't talk to me.
I remember 5 years ago when I was 14, I was stubborn and I didn't handle criticism well. But there was one particular comment that someone made towards me that crushed me for a year, and I couldn't bring myself to post art to that place they commented for months on end
They said I wouldn't get into any art schools, that my art was trash, etc. And to add to that, they were hiding behind an empty account. I still think about that comment to this day, it drives me to be better. I handle criticism better now. However
There are better ways to tell someone they're messing up rather than spitting in their face saying they don't belong in the animation/art scene, telling them they have no chance or purpose to pursue what they love.. That's fucked up. And I don't tolerate it.
I'm thankful for my stubbornness, because I eventually said fuck this, and posted art again after hiding in the dark for.. maybe a year? (except for the few months that I did post something I was comfy posting.) But seriously, commenting that shit can really damage someone.
All I can say is do better. I did. Now I don't throw hissyfits at valid criticism. I've learned not all criticism has to be taken either. It's a matter of knowing you're doing better in the end, however you choose to do so is up to the beholder.
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