OK. So so so ... She made the decision to close her company (stop working) & live off savings because her husband can’t handle his own 3 year old while at home, “taking some time off from his own tech career”
This...Is this a cry for help? Sis, You good?!

“Her husband would plead with her to “get off the computer,” she said, teaching [her son] a trick to get her attention: When she wasn’t responding, her son would call her “Aimee” instead of “Mom.” ([her] husband declined to comment”
Seems that she chose to reinforce his expectations of traditional gender roles...except the pressure to meet this expectation falls on her and her alone.

Also, his failing to be an effective parent AND partner is more accepted than her choosing to work outside the home.
I know this pressure well. I launched my 1st company while breastfeeding an infant (2nd one too). It takes a village to make it work and that includes other involved parent(s).

All parent(s) are responsible for their kids; her husband seemed to think that he’s doing HER a favor.
Also if marriage is a partnership toward a better future for ALL family members, these roles change over time. My husband was on school duty last year while I split my time between VA & NYC for business

He’s a great dad. I am still a mom (a good one according to my kids 😂).
I want to share this thread which offers more context to this article (from the source).

https://twitter.com/aimeeraed/status/1264128501768007680?s=21 https://twitter.com/aimeeraed/status/1264128501768007680
You can follow @kishau.
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