Hi there, My name is Joshua and I am eager to help to people, pass the IELTS exams in pursuit of their dreams.Let me tell you how...

The IELTS exam is a prerequisite for many professionals and scholars seeking work/migration and admission respectively in countries like the UK, Canada and Australia. It is a standardized testing system that tests your English comprehension...
It tests your ability to Write, Read, Speak and Listen/comprehend English language. They are various forms of this Test, you take the type recommended by the admitting school/country. They include General; Academic and UKVI ( mainly for UK)...
The test can be a Computer Based Test or a Paper Based Test...Your preference. And at the end, a candidate is given a Band score which tells how proficiently a person can use the English language. Band score vary from 0 to 9. A good Band score will be from 6 to 9 per requirement.
Getting the required Band Score has proved very difficult for many and that's where I come in. Of course you can prepare for IELTS on your own, there are a lot of materials online but this can cause what I term information overload...
So I designed a class framework to help and equip you with all the information you need and prepare you systematically and strategically to get you at least a Band Score of 7.5. These classes are online and easily accessible from wherever you are...
Guess what?! They are also very flexible and affordable...
It will cost you just N5,000 monthly to be a part of this class. You get a special bonus of N10,000 for 3 months, if you sign up before the classes start on the 1st June,2020...
So what are you waiting for?!
Get my details from the poster at the beginning of this thread and get in touch. I hope to hear from you. Many people are already signing up...
We will deal with fear, mind block, how to write, give you practical tips, build your confidence to present yourself fluently anywhere and anytime, give exercises and materials, give you an objective assessment of your progress, and be a part of the journey to success...
Come on now! The door is open..come on in!!!
You can call 08134006667 for more details or send me a DM.
You can follow @jayjosh90.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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