I was pretty appalled at the Cummings revelations - what he did was, at best, completely undermining of the public message and effort. I am relatively intelligent and have followed the advice given closely so I know what I am meant to be doing. There is no prospect that I
would have thought it appropriate to move location 250 miles with someone showing symptoms or to receive such a person into my household. That was my understanding of the guidance, of the common endeavour. Given his central role in the Govt I would expect him to resign.
Given what modern politics is today and given his character in particular I do not expect his actual resignation. But what I am absolutely appalled by is the Tory cavalry coming to his aid. Minister after minister, MP after MP, coming out to defend him.
And it is not with a sense of “yes, we know how it looks” but with a tirade that anyone questioning it is somehow dishonorable, that all they are doing is taking an unnecessary swipe at a loving father. No sense at all that loving parents have been separated from loving children.
No sense that we the public have been separated from each other, have witnessed love ones suffering without being able to travel to help because that was what we were meant to be doing. What we all understood we were meant to be doing.
That is the Government we now have. A body of hypocrites who believe themselves to be above criticism. Who will rally to defend an advisor no matter what the situation. I fully supported the lockdown measures despite the pain they caused. It isn’t Cummings that has broken the
trust the public should have in the Government. It is Gove, Sunak, Raab, Braverman, Ress-Mogg et al that have broken that trust. Do as we say, not as we do. And don’t you dare criticise one of us. They should put that on their plinths at their daily briefings.
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