I’m gonna be real with y’all: process cosmology is secondary to the contemplative Christian path. It’s useful to make abstractions, have dialogues, feel our way through the world & sing it alive, but it is still just a construct. It cannot answer Merton’s unanswerable question.
Process theology, like any other spiritual language or pedagogy, is itself a mystical boundary to go beyond in one’s own practice — on leaping into God’s Love. That’s why all the odd debate lately on here about if it is orthodox enough, Christian enough, or “right” is laughable.
The real questions are: is it constructive? Plausible? Is it cosmologically resonant w/contemporary scientific theory? Does it lead us to the Godhead? Does it lure us to Love? Does it invite us to deepen compassion? Does it radiate the heart of Christ? Etc. All emphatic yesses.
Generally, Christian orthodoxy police whether Catholic or Anglican, etc., will misplace the dogma of an antiquated “correct” metaphysic over these questions, which, as the world evolves, will embed them more deeply in a distant past increasingly dissonant w/the Truth of becoming.
There is no pause button. There is no freeze frame from the 1st or any later century where if we somehow miss the revealed Eternal Metaphysical Truth of that time, we are risking a grievous error of mind & soul. Misplacing concreteness on any religious abstraction is idolatry.
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