I’ve used the argument: “the definition of racism has been expanded beyond meaning” before.

I regret using this particular argument, but I still stand by the motivation I had for using it. It was a poor articulation of a thought that’s difficult to articulate.
The problem isn’t “expansion”. I don’t know the history of the word in very much detail (generally I’m not very well read or knowledgeable about history).

My issue isn’t with how words change over history, but rather with some attitudes towards lodging the accusation today.
Similarly, my issue isn’t with “the definition”. Language is flexible. People use words in flexible ways, and everyone has a right to contribute to that. I agree with some and disagree with others. I don’t have a problem with what’s written in the dictionary (I don’t think).
My issue is easier to explain with examples.

For example, I have been in situations where I or others have forgotten people’s names and it’s been treated as a racial issue.

And I actually do believe race plays a role in forgetting people’s names statistically.
But I don’t think it’s fair to attribute the racial element of this phenomenon to the belief that people of other races are lesser, or unworthy of ones time, or “all the same”. Ie. the kinds of racial patterns that one should be ashamed of and work hard to correct.
Those are the racial patterns that I’d call “racist” in an accusatory tone in that context. (Note: this doesn’t preclude people from talking about “racism” more broadly in other contexts).
The mind will produce lazy patterns (maybe confusing two people of the same race/gender and do this more frequently if that’s novel to you).

This is understandably hurtful to people (who wants to be seen as an other, especially if ones been social excluded for that reason).
Even if it isn’t hurtful it can be embarrassing or annoying.

But I have experience with those who’d point this out in the same tone and for the same motive as social status seeking. That’s what I criticize.
We shouldn’t talk about these issues with the shield of righteous anti racism, but with the actual social dynamics of embarrassing others for personal gain.
That’s a tough topic to convey, and I’m not very good at expressing myself and my emotions clearly, so I produce lazy arguments like “the definition of racism is expanded beyond meaning.”
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