A little bit ago, someone asked me to post pics of my collection of cards involved in lawsuits...and as anyone in #TheHobby knows...there is no bigger mistake because collectors LOVE talking about their collection.

Also...if anyone is interested have links to lawsuits as well.
Some of my favorite are counterfeit Yugioh cards involved in the Konami v. Upper Deck lawsuit from 10+ years ago. As best as I can tell...there are 9 of them which can be differentiated from the originals by using a silver holo sticker instead of gold.

This Kevin Durant card was SUPPOSED to have DURANTULA on it, until a lawsuit by Mark Durante, a musician from a number of bands including KMFDM who had that name trademarked, derailed Panini’s plans.

I’ve been tweeting about the Jordan-in-the-Background lawsuit for a couple months now. Here are the cards involved.
Panini’s 4 lawsuits against eBay sellers that made RATED ROOKIE knockoffs have been resolved, but I luckily have cards from each of the defendants. Also put an actual Panini RATED ROOKIE in there for comparison...can you tell the originals from the knockoffs? Of course you can.
I collect cards involved in lawsuits and I also collect error cards as well. So the John/Josh Harrison cards hold a special place in my collection.

The Topps v. Luis Diaz lawsuit over Garbage Pail Kids v. Gavage Parody Kids...I wished this lawsuit went on longer! Was a fun one!

Topps and Upper Decks fought over the frames of UD’s O-Pee-Chee cards as being too similar to Topps 1975 cards. This was actually the first lawsuit in #TheHobby I covered.

Leaf and Panini have had a couple copyright and trademark fights. One of the ones I liked the most was the Valiant versus Crusades copyright battle.

Both have a good card design as well.

A funny lawsuit actually focused on Fausto Carmona/Roberto Hernandez cards after it came out he falsified his name and date of birth.

Could not turn down the opp to get a few cards with autos of his fake name.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar sued Upper Deck for using his image without his permission. Case settled just as trial began. But...this was one of the cases that showed just how wild trading card industry lawsuits could be.

One of the most cited lawsuits in the industry...the Cardtoons parody lawsuit. Pre-dates me covering lawsuits but a fun one nonetheless.
There are MANY more, BUT, we’ll end this thread with one of my favorite cards. It’s not from a lawsuit, but it features a common litigant - the CEO of Leaf Brian Gray - with a suggestion for what I could do if I was ever unhappy with him.
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