To me, it’s a red flag that supporters excuse Biden’s off-hand statement that undervalues the autonomy of black voters as a joke. Misogyny isn’t a joke, racism isn’t a joke, homophobia isn’t a joke...but to excuse it that way is to gaslight those who were harmed. Not cool.
Everyone keeps asking why is Biden held to a higher standard than Trump?

As if we haven’t been trying to hold Trump to this standard since 2016? As if we haven’t been resisting his overall brand of cruelty and sociopathy?

There was already a high standard. He’s failed.
The fact the he hasn’t been held accountable for his cruel, racist suggestions shows the lack of leadership in both parties. His racism spreads like a pandemic, giving his followers a fever of hatred. And like Trump, you didn’t take it seriously until it was too late.
As a Mexican-American, I will never forgive the sniggering comments when he launched his campaign.
I will never forget how both parties didn’t take him seriously even after he threw our people under the bus.
You laughed while we feared for our families.
You let this happen.
But not only did you let this didn’t mobilize enough to protect Latinx people. Dems are responsible too but now they want us to overlook similarly racist jokes & misogynistic behaviors because we “have to defeat Trump”?

Basically you’re telling us:
Since his election Dems have tried to claim moral leadership over the nation. They’re in a battle royale for the righteousness of causes such as eliminating racism, sexism & homophobia, etc.

Just and good causes that they hope will persuade voters to Biden’s camp.
And guess what? When you position yourselves as moral leaders, against one of the most immoral and unethical leaders ever, you are accepting, nay, asking to be held to a higher standard. Presumably a restoration of the standard of dignity we had once expected for the White House:
The problem isn’t that we lowered the bar for Trump, because for many of us we haven’t, it’s that to restore our country we have to be more vigilant than “don’t be a racist prick”.

And because most racists don’t believe they’re racist we have to raise the alarm 🚨 early & often
Do I believe Biden can learn? Yes...given the right motivation.

Do I believe Biden can lead?
Yes...given the right support.

Do I believe Biden can win?
Yes...given the right advice.

Do i believe Biden will have the support of the nation?
No...he has our sour acquiescence
But when you choose to position yourselves as the moral compass, as our saviors, you also get to prove to us that you DO meet those high standards. You have to prove to us that you’ll hold your own accountable.

Making excuses for harmful statements is soo 2016.

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