i’m back because i saw hilary duff trending and can’t believe my fucking eyes. you people are mentally unwell. imagine finding out you’re trending online because people are accusing of you of sex trafficking your child and are trying to call CPS on you over a conspiracy theory
it has become incredibly clear that these moral performances, these spectacles of “who can demonstrate the most concern for the greater good of humanity” are a thinly veiled guise for abuse. this is bullying. people get off on the rabid dogpiling element of tearing someone down
the last few days online have been so insufferable & have made me realise things about my own behaviour i do not like. genuine slip ups, tone deaf or ignorant behaviour being distorted into “they said therefore they are”, quote-tweeted to incite swarms of directed attacks
are not constructive. or beneficial to a greater cause. instead they make it easier to radicalise people in the opposite direction. they don’t give time for people to own up to or realise mistakes. they overwhelmingly beat people into submission through abuse
it becomes transparent that it’s not about greater social consequences or the “threat to humanity” or educating people to bring about change - but that it’s easier and more entertaining to dogpile blatant abuse on people (and disproportionately, women) to make them a scapegoat
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