Half of Fox News viewers believe Bill Gates wants to use a vaccine to track Americans.

It’s bad enough that FNC viewers are misinformed, but it’s another thing that Right Wing media is just blatantly trafficking and amplifying Russian propaganda.
This and the idea that the pandemic was a bio weapon comes directly from Russian propagandists. It is a MASSIVE story and needs so much for examination that Right Wing media and politicians have become inextricably knotted together in focus, perspective, and purpose.
The reason people are in denial as to the symbiotic and destructive relationship between America and Russia’s Right Wing is because the truth is legitimately horrifying. But it’s obvious and blatant and people had better come to terms with the problem.
This goes beyond collusion or election tampering. It’s a symbiosis of white-identity, fascistic movements depending on faux-populism inspired by weaponized nostalgia that hides kleptocratic authoritarianism determines to create managed democracies.

That’s it. It’s real.
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