The implicit promise of America to its citizens & the world, has been to uphold democracy, to protect human rights, to foster innovation & cooperation. When America lives up to that promise, it is exceptional. But the ability to do starts with being a global leader #velshi
Trump has spent much of his time in office preaching “America first”. He has disparaged & dismantled major global organizations & treaties. This week, he announced the U.S. would pull out of its third arms agreement in 3 years: the “Open Skies” treaty.
Open Skies was signed nearly 30 years ago. It allows nations to fly aircraft over other countries to ensure they’re not preparing for military action. So why should you care? Why should you be worried about spy planes? You shouldn’t be. But this IS about our safety.
If America shirks its role on the world stage, it jeopardize its safety & that of its allies. Though imperfect, the U.S. has generally inspired others to aim for democracy & freedom of expression. But that is changing.
Trump has weakened ties w/ NATO, the UN, WHO & WTO. He’s left the Paris Climate accord, the Iran deal & the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces treaty. Now Trump is a step closer to cancelling the New START agreement, which limits Russian & the U.S. missile stockpiles
It's easy in times like this to push aside concerns about an arms treaty. But no one country can fight a crisis like coronavirus w/o resources & help from others. Now, more than at any point since WW2, it is critical for America to maintain its presence on the world stage.
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