Sad that Black men & White Feminism have one thing in common:

After centuries of oppression & utter cruelty, they still believe that white men are about to extend them the same rights if they just help elect their Party one more time.

This is why you should #VoteLikeBlackWomen.
2/Anyone not proud of a lazy mind and in possession of reading comprehension would know not only of Joe Biden's proposals that would directly affect our communities, but also grasp that his road traveled away from the Crime Bill is one we hope any true ally bothers to travel.
3/There's no question that Joe Biden is still a white entitled man whose privilege rears its ugly head from time to time, and he spouts nonsense.

There's also no question that Joe Biden has humbled himself & learned the value of listening to those his words have harmed.
4/This is why Black Women take his pick of running mate very seriously.

We understand his failings; we understand he's humbling himself to better understand the ills that drove this country into abetting the election of Trump, and the weird persistence to help keep him in power.
5/The VP he picks should be a woman who understands these failings & doesn't have the same blind spots as Joe.

She needs to possess the track record, not fabulated narrative, on Social Justice, Climate Change, Education, Women's & LGBTQA Rights that affects positive change.
6/A significant majority of Black Women didn't fall for White Feminism with the conditional allyship, or for blue checkmarked Black Twitter grifting for white saviors.

We were born hunted, preyed upon. Our instincts can spot a con faster than TalcumX can create a new GoFundMe.👸🏿
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