For those of you out there struggling running a business at the moment (particularly in the agency world), I want you to know that the the outcome will never be as bad as the catastrophe you’re imagining.
Last year, things got really bloody difficult with Natural Interaction. I imagined all sorts of horrible outcomes but kept pushing. Whilst I ultimately failed to turn it around things actually were OK in the end.
The hardest part was feeling like I let my team down. As well as my friends and family, I owe @bencoleman a special debt of gratitude for giving me some perspective on the situation based on his experience with Fffunction.
The reality was so different to what I imagined. I’m really proud of what my old team have accomplished and how they’ve thrived since.
Yes, I hand a difficult few months. Yes, I had a couple of personal guarantees on business loans that I got hit with. I dreaded dismantling what I had built.
But life went on. I found a job that I enjoy as much as the best days at NI. What’s more I can focus on design, research and coaching a great UX team.
I have a much better work life balance, I don’t need to stress about how I’ll make payroll every month.
If what you’re doing now fails, embrace it, learn from it and move on. Your destination may be different to mine but if you’ve already got yourself this far you’re capable of great things.
Reflect on what’s important to you. Even if it feels you’re starting from scratch the reality is you’re not. You’re starting with a clean slate but the wisdom gained from your journey so far. Make the most of it.
You can follow @adam_ux.
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