Okay everyone, today I'm going to talk about a rather explosive topic: 'antis', 'anti-antis', and 'pro-shippers', and why I am inherently distrustful of anyone who seriously uses said titles for themselves and others who are both involved and uninvolved in the terms.
Yes, I know what you're thinking, given how most of these threads go on any side. I will outright say I am not supporting any particular group or set of ideals. That is not what this is about, though I will talk about the arguments they all use and why they aren't excuses.
My first statement is this: I want you to read this whole thread before you say or do anything. You don't have to fully agree with me on every single point, I don't expect any of you to. However, I expect you to at the very least read everything, and then think.
To start with on why I am immediately distrustful of anyone using the listed terms: the deplorable behaviour of people on *all* sides of the issue. Not every person in the groups has participated, but all of the groups have plenty of members who have.
And quite frankly I think all of you know what I'm talking about. The death threats. The r*pe threats. The s*icide baiting. Threats of doxxing. Purposefully posting any kind of pornography where it shouldn't be posted. Even the general harrassment and bullying on *all* sides.
And if you don't know what I'm talking about, but consider yourself to be one of the groups: I beg you to take a good long look at who you are calling your bedfellows, and what they are doing. Even the ones you don't actually know. Especially the ones you don't actually know.
And before you call this an age thing: both adults and minors are doing it to both adults and minors. Neither side is pure and good. Both adults and minors have done heinous things in the name of their crusades against whatever group.
If any of you don't actually believe me when I say this is happening on all sides, I will post links to whatever threads I can find that show literal screencaps of it. If you know of threads that contain the stuff I mean, post it in the replies or DM me.
Most of the threads I inevitably qrt here will have evidence of 'anti' behaviour solely because that is what is easiest for me to find, but again this is about the behaviour of all sides. That's why I'm asking for supporting evidence from others.
Now to get into the actual meat of this issue. All the behaviors I listed, that's inexcusable stuff. Anybody with a shred of decency would tell you that right away. That's part of why I feel that a lot of people in those groups are blinded by what the groups *say* they are about.
Yes, you read that right. All of the groups *say* they are just about xyz thing, something that from an entirely outside perspective seems entirely reasonable and right. 'Antis' say they are against pedophilia/incest/abuse. 'Anti-antis' say they are against censorship.
'Pro-shippers' say they are just supporting shipping what you want. And guess what? All of those things ARE actually reasonable statements and good things to support. But you notice something about how I've been typing each group?
Once you look deeply into each group from a neutral perspective, you notice how it isn't about just those things, or in some cases entirely not what they say they are about. Again, not every person in all groups, but enough to be a pattern.
'Antis' tend to include a lot of things that aren't actually bad/unhealthy/illegal, but things they simply don't like, so they say those things are in fact bad. Guess what a lot of people don't like? LGBT+ people, disabled people, POC, anything that isn't Christian.
But of course most people would instantly see the prejudice and go 'oh this group is bad', which is why a lot of it is kept quiet, and slipped in with things other people instantly recognize as bad. This is why I say not everyone in a group, but enough of them.
As for 'anti-antis' and 'pro-shippers', there is a lot of crossover between the two groups, even if they are technically separate. But a number of them do push for content that is pedophilic/incestous/abusive. They push for adult content to be out in the open for everyone to see.
They push for things to be publically allowable and normal. Of course, it is under the guise of being anti-censorship and being allowed to ship things. Those two things *are* good, but not to the level of what many promote.
This brings me to the next part: what the groups are trying to make fandom space be, and how they go about that, usually in deplorable ways. To start with again, 'antis'. (And since I've made my point about what the groups are, I'm dropping the '' for character limit reasons.)
Antis want every single fandom space to be available for everyone, and for anyone who disagrees with their *obviously* morally right opinions to be taken out of fandom entirely. Their main method of attack: anon threats, doxxing, and general harrassment and bullying.
Yes, you read that right. Antis will send threats, mostly anonymous but sometimes not, to people they think ship or support what they are against. They'll threaten to k*ll and/or r*pe people because they think someone ships something. They will doxx people.
They will tell people to go k*ll themselves for merely being mutuals/friends with someone *else* that ships something. A popular name they like to call people is 'freak'. And that is NEVER okay. It is unacceptable to say that stuff to someone over FICTION.
Antis also like to call people out for posting 18+ content. Except their usual method is taking screenshots of what they found and posting it as an example. They say they are protecting minors, but post pornographic content where said minors can see it 'so they know to block'.
So they end up exposing minors to pornography that they would not have otherwise seen. And a lot of antis, many of whom are *MINORS* will go into adult spaces solely to search out the things they say they are against. That shouldn't be encouraged. That is actually ILLEGAL.
I specifically remember seeing a post going around containing a video clip of a BNHA cosplayer being spanked in a panel. The poster, a minor, was calling out the cosplayer because the character being cosplayed was 16. The video they got the clip from was of an 18+ panel at a con.
So not only was a minor watching an 18+ video, they publicly posted a clip of the 18+ video for other minors to see, and tried to say that what a group of 18+ people were doing in an 18+ event was pedophilic. This is only one example of many.
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