Definitions of fascism.

Here we present a variety of definitions of fascism by scholars, fascists & anti-fascists

We’ll keep adding to it over time

Starting with this useful summary table from Daniel Woodley’s ‘Fascism & Political Theory’ (2010)
Roger Griffin, ‘The Nature of Fascism’ (1991)
Roger Eatwell, ‘Fascism: A History’ (1995)
Robert Paxton, ‘The Anatomy of Fascism’ (2005)
Stanley Payne, ‘A History of Fascism: 1914-45’ (1995)
Michael Mann, ‘Fascists’, (2004)
David Renton, ‘Fascism’, (1999) @Livesrunning
Zeev Sternhell, ‘The Birth of Fascist Ideology’, (1994)
Juan Linz, ‘Fascism: A Reader’s Guide’, ed. By Walter Laqueur (1976)
Seymour Martin Lipset, ‘Political Man’, (1960)
George Mosse, ‘Towards a General Theory of Fascism’ in ‘Masses & Man’, (1980)
Umberto Eco, ‘Ur-Fascism’ (1995)
Mark Hayes, ‘The Ideology of Fascism and the Far Right in Britain’, (2014)
Daniel Woolley, ‘Fascism & Political Theory’, (2010)
Ernst Nolte, ‘Three Faces of Fascism’, 1965
Roger Griffin, ‘Fascism’, (2018)
Jason Stanley, ‘How Fascism Works’, (2018)
Shane Burley, ‘Fascism Today’, (2017) @shane_burley1
Alexander Reid Ross, ‘Against the Fascist Creep’, (2017) @areidross
Matthew N Lyons, ‘Insurgent Supremacists’, (2018) @Three_Way_Fight
Cas Mudde, ‘The Far Right Today’, (2019) @CasMudde
David Renton, ‘The New Authoritarians’, (2019) @Livesrunning
Samir Gandesha, ‘Spectres of Fascism’, (2020)
Jeff Sparrow, ‘Fascists Among Us’, (2019)
Kevin Passmore, ‘Fascism: A Very Short Introduction’, (2002)
Susan Sontag, ‘Fascinating Fascism’, 1975, NYRB
Simonetta Falasca-Zamponi, ‘Fascist Spectacle: The Aesthetics of Power in Mussolini's Italy’, (1997)
Dylan Riley, ‘The Civic Foundations of Fascism in Europe’, (2019)
Cool number of RTs 😎.

More posts to come...
David Stephen Lewis, ‘Illusions of Grandeur: Mosley, Fascism, and British Society, 1931-81’, (1987)
Emilio Gentile, ‘Fascism, totalitarianism and political religion: definitions and critical reflections on criticism of an interpretation’, (2004)
Michael Billig, ‘Fascists: A Social Psychological view of the National Front’, (1978)
Stephen Shenfield, ‘Russian Fascism: Traditions, Tendencies, Movements’, (2001)
Roger Griffin, ‘Fascism: Critical Concepts’, ed. with Matthew Feldman, (2004)
Ian Kershaw, ‘The Nazi Dictatorship: Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation’, 2000
Here are some contemporaneous Marxist interpretations of fascism, starting with probably the most famous

ECCI plenum on fascism etc., (1933)
Georgi Dimitrov, ‘The Working Class against Fascism’, (1935)
Constantin Iordachi ‘From “Generic” to “Real-Existing” Fascism: Towards a New Transnational and Historical-Comparative Agenda in Fascism Studies’ in ‘Beyond the Fascist Century: Essays in Honour of Roger Griffin’ (2020)
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