“As a child, you’re not responsible for the things that happened to you; as an adult, you are responsible for the things that happened to you.” I can’t recall the exact verbiage, but that is the idea of a quote I heard.
Here’s the thing: you can’t move back the clock and live in the past. You can’t get into a time machine, go back to the past and correct your perceived wrongs.
A little bit ago, I was on a Z**m conference call with some good people. They were well intentioned, but they were also children. They were freaking out over the pandemic.
They weren’t being logical, but fearful. They were worried about catching the virus. This is not isolated to them, but is pervasive in society.
This is indicative of the infantilization of society. This has gone on since the rejection of social norms and the family unit by the hippies in the sixties. They have been “fighting the machine” because feelz, but now they have become shills.
Everyone is acting like Adrian Monk, the comical mentally ill police detective from the tv show.
People aren’t taking the time to be informed, to look at facts, to use logic. They are taking religious fervor to advocate for the state. However they are being Maoist in their approach.
I don’t mean they are being subservient to the CCP, but playing the patsy to the DNC elites, who are trying to institute One-Party Rule by ruling the State.
Through culture and education, the Elites have used a systemic, pervasive propaganda organ the likes of which would impress Goebbels. They have no idea they are living the Nazi Party’s dream. Maoism and Nazism is not a good combo, children.
Their religion is the state. The elite priestly caste is the DNC. The temple prostitutes are the entertainment/media/sports personalities. Yes, these cultural celebrities for the most part are merely cultural prostitutes.
The blatant social manipulation now through social media is like a drug. We have drug dealers pushing drugs through giving people a false euphoria through “likes” on social media posts. It’s sad seeing e-girls on IG living for approval on that platform.
IG is such an inappropriate platform. It’s not just there but other platforms. People are living their lives for approval from others on these various social media platforms.
So what should you do? Live for Jesus Christ above all. Be kind towards others. Use your brain. Be principled and firm. Accept your limitations but strive to improve. Be honest with yourself and see what needs to change about yourself.
Encourage other people and respect their differences. Accept other people for who they are. And lastly, strive to make the world a better place; try to leave things better than the way you found it.
In my undergrad years, there’s this one prof who was my favorite. She taught a sociology class I took. She had an interest in me like I was her little brother because I got along well with her husband and father in law.
She challenged me to make my little corner of the world a better place, and I strove for that since. It helped me crystallize my approach to life. I still care for her and her husband and hope they are all doing well. Stay well, friends. End of thread.
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