It's really difficult for American pundits to understand cause and effect because the incentive structure of Washington DC is so dysfunctional that it breeds people detached from reality who think the likes of Joshua Wong can form the backbone of an insurgent paramilitary.
The bold claim that America creates her own reality is running hard into the wall of consequences both domestic and foreign, yet the American nomenklatura remains as ever oblivious to everything. China isn't the only one salami slicing, rather the US since the late Obama admin
has been gradually escalating on its own against China all of which blew up in their faces spectacularly but have been spun by their ngo media services as Chinese escalations. To the contrary, they were bold solutions to the kind of grinding endemic problems that Liberalism
creates but has no problems for. The Chinese response was expected to one that American policy makers themselves would have chosen, in other words ineffective, for the problems that America chose to create. Instead, the CCP went for more permanent effective solutions which has
generated apoplectic response from the point and sputter crowd. The South China Sea issue was instigated by the US through its proxies in the Philippines directly and taken advantage of by Vietnam. Vietnam was actually the first to begin island fortifications before any Chinese
reclamation work had started. It really was a back burner issue and not particularly relevant before the US escalated it's instigation. The US plan was to somehow magically box the PLAN somehow through SE Asian proxies through the power of Lawfare and strongly worded letters.
It ended up with three sprawling Chinese naval air bases with overlapping long range SAM coverage that turned the South China Sea into the South China Lake because the CCP called America's Kino. Whoops. Likewise the Uighur issue. Exporting Islamic radicalism seems to be a habit
of US Intel agencies and playing footsies with them privately while publicly denouncing them publicly appears to be something they picked up from Pakistan. For some absolutely retarded logic, the US thought it could radicalize Uighurs in China and exfiltrate them to act as cannon
fodder for Syria. Thousands of Uighurs left China for before 2017 via SEAsia using this ratline and the expected Chinese response to this blatant violation of behavior by the US was to basically do what the US does. Hearts and prayers and policies which escalate radicalism.
China responded with basically Stalinism light, repurposing the Party's organizations in a replay of the early Soviet Union to forceably de-islamicize another generation of Uighurs through a massive demonstration of coercive state power not seen in decades. Muslim issue solved,
Human rights violated, all is well in the world and the US policy in Syria an utter failure now relegated to pointless bloodletting with no goals beyond more dead Syrians because the US Intel agencies are petulant about losing and simply won't take their ball and go home.
The HK riots, again a US sponsored operation through their usual cabal of ngo jackals was supposed to have reduced China's grip on Hong Kong. After all, the American response to student mobs that arise organically from it's retarded ideology is to surrender immediately and give
them everything they want. Won't someone please think of the children and all that, was supposed to be the cry as mobs of rabid teenagers ruled the streets through anarchy in a replay of the cultural revolution by beating up anyone who opposed them. Surely China won't jeopardize
the use of Hong Kong. It's too important, they have to surrender to our outrageous demands and surely they can't touch us. Marco Rubio promised us! Forgetting that HK as a doorway is a two way street. It allowed people in and out you didn't want in and out and that it's function
didn't rely on the largesse of the US alone but most importantly China which decided if the headache is worth it. One country is the goal, two systems is the method. The US ngo mobs are resolutely opposed to the former yet they expect and demand China conform to the latter.
National security law which was abandoned in 2003 through the legislative process now brought back through the deus ex Machina of ultimate Chinese sovereignty baked into the basic law. The ones crying now about the death of rule of law never bothered to read what the law said.
The Basic Law basically already gave the National People's Congress ultimate authority. The two systems was predicated on good behavior, behave and you have more liberties than anyone else in China. Don't and your privileges are revoked. The US escalated in Hong Kong because it
assumed that China would view events in Hong Kong in isolation of US belligerence elsewhere and that maintaining the fiction of Hong Kong's autonomy was worth so much to the CCP. It turns out neither was true and the Ministry of State Security will be moving into it's new, lower
rent, offices next month and the clown show of "activists" can either learn to enjoy exile or prison because they no longer have carte blanche to operate freely in the city.
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