One year ago today I was just coming out of my weight loss surgery (WLS). Till now I’ve lost 2/3rds of overall weight I gotta lose, hence my body has changed a lot.

I can finally attest to the cruelty and fakery of everyone who fat shames: (1/8)
I can count on one hand those who didn’t start treating me differently (better) when I started losing weight. The rest took a detour on « yara is skinny now we love her » lane; don’t worry, they met an unexpected detour out of my life too lmao. (2/8)
This semester (which is when my weight loss really started drastically showing), I’ve made more acquaintances than I ever have in 6 semesters. Apparently there’s an unspoken « we don’t approach fat girls rule » (3/8)
Y’all only started caring for my mind when my body became thinner. Quite sadly, my thoughts, ideas, and insights meant nothing until I fit your typical average image of a girl’s body. (4/8)
I’m still the same person I was before, but you don’t see that. Because I was just fat before, now I’m an actual person. Aren’t I? (5/8)
Fatshaming is so prevalent. And most of you don’t even know you have implicitly biases towards us. This weight loss journey has only made me loathe this society even more. It opened my eyes to how fake everyone is. (6/8)
Stop mentioning weight. Stop. I still get offended even when people say « you’ve lost weight »; is that really what you focused on? I’m a person with a whole ass mind you can talk to and you have the audacity to begin a convo with « wow you’ve lost weight BRAVO » (7/8)
TELLING SOMEONE THEY LOST WEIGHT IS NOT A COMPLIMENT. Because you commenting on another person’s weight is problematic to begin with. Stop fat shaming. Stop talking about weight. (8/8)
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