So i was planning to sell everything from my closet but there were some exceptions like my own DIY clothes, my mommy marts creations and esp those i got from Korea during ASP way back 2018.
That feeling when u know the true value of something not bec of the price itself but bec of the memories when the time u bought it.
Tho i cant use some of it for the mean time, kay akong baby bump is growing na.
Mind blowing jd karn ang nahitabo. I meannnnn, it’s knda ironic to feel guilty that something is missing from u, and u, urself cant even remember wer u put it.
And u hesitate to ask someone cus u dont want them to feel uncomfortable and responsible for it esp when ure not in ur place.
Then u just ended up w nothing. Idk if tungod ni sa akong mood swings mao i feel suppppeeerrrrrr sad rn. I mean it’s just a THING, a THING🥺 tho in the first place u saw it comingggg but didn’t mind it cus ur conscience was clean.
Never in my entire life na mang gamit kog gamit na dili akoa without someones permission.
And now, wala nako ganahi mag keep sako mga sentimental clothes tungod ani. I mean, it’s not bad to ask. Maybe u had it all wrong, for making urself believe what u believe.
We do have things in common. Feel free to ask first, kesa mag conclude ka right away.
Yes, u might find this thread confusing and dili straight forward, kay this is just intended for someone.
You can follow @aguilarreyazel.
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