Drawing myself with Doctor Who characters: Scrapbook Edition: a thread™️ . 💖💜💙 #doctorwho #itsabouttime
The sketch that started it all, inspired by @sophilestweets watchalong artworks: Baby Laura and Eight! (Also feat my first two wax-seal stamps ever!) I can’t help but smile when I look at this one! 👶🏻🥺🥰 🌓✨🕗
Second up is Little-Kid-Laura with her ‘Cool Older Sister’, Ace! (Inspired by the letter I wrote to @sophie_aldred for my #ALetterADay series!) This was tricky to draw, but I tho it’s super cute! 🖤❤️💛🥳👩‍👧🧸
Next up, University Laura drinking wine with Tegan Jovanka, looking to the future and all the great stuff that’s gonna come their way! (Featuring the CUTEST KOALA WAX SEAL STAMP!) @jfmouthonlegs 🐨🇦🇺🥂💜👭🏻
Now we have Teenage Laura and Five, reassuring her that it’s okay not to be okay and that things will get better. I’m so proud of this one, especially the detail on his trousers! 🏏🧡❤️👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏼🌓✨
Alright, the next one is Sixth-Form Laura and Twelve, arguing over what type of coffee is best and having a spoon fight! Inspired by the scene from ‘Robots of Sherwood!’ Thank you @drtatianaporto5 for suggesting it, I love this scrapbook spread! 🥰☕️🥄😂🤼
Last one for now - it’s Teen Laura and Peri Brown as cheerleaders! I did cheer when I was thirteen, and I thought it would make a cute design! The uniforms were inspired by my fave cheer team, the Dallas Cowboys! @thenicolabryant 💙💖👭🏻✨🇺🇸🎉🎊
I’ll probably add more to this thread as and when I finish them, but I’m so happy with how these scrapbook spreads/sketches are coming together! 🧸🥰
You can follow @LauraInATARDIS.
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