"orders of Governor Gretchen Whitmer-moved the young man to a nursing home to recover from COVID-19[just last week]Whitmer is STILL sending COVID-19 patients to NURSING HOMES. So not only was Jayden BEATING nursing home patients but spreading the coronavirus" https://twitter.com/Chief_SC_Nation/status/1264158843443064833
2) Crimes Against Humanity. They did this just last week, so they can't possibly claim ignorance about how easily the virus can kill nursing home patients. If the United States doesn't fix this, our politicians and others may find themselves brought before International Court.
3) Governments cannot kill the populace, regardless of how much they despise their citizens, regardless of their hatred toward the peasantry, the elderly, or any other class of person they've dehumanized.
Thank you to @JudicialWatch who contacted authorities, Jayden arrested
4) By now, Governor Whitmer knew that a person with Covid is a weapon that kills elderly people in nursing homes. The truth of that is well known. Yet, this is what was done. What was the policy in that nursing home- still no visitors allowed, therefore no witnesses? Cover up?
5) Thankfully the troubled man was excited to film his savage beatings of frail elderly nursing home patients and post them online where there were millions of witnesses. Catching the attention of the likes of @RealJamesWoods and @TomFitton - Judicial Watch alerted authorities.
6) Had it not been for the many witnesses on social media, would the beatings and spreading of CV be ongoing in that nursing home to this day? I think we know the answer.
We should NEVER allow nursing homes to ban loved ones! They obviously had no issue bringing THAT man in!!!!!
7) We must have witnesses and advocates for our vulnerable populations. "There's a virus" is no damn excuse! Because of increased risk to their health and safety, they need MORE WITNESSES, not less.
America, they're killing us.
What is our response?
/end thread/
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