What about this: "In a flailing attempt to revive his political fortunes in face of growing disapproval of his handling of the response to coronavirus, President Trump today created a diversion, a completely fabricated narrative of churches under siege..."
"In fact, religious institutions are struggling with how to safely reopen while protecting their congregants, often in states with rising infection rates, shortages of testing and any support or guidance from the federal government."
But no. The truth is less interesting than a conflict that doesn't exist. And there you have the reflexive reporting of @deanbaquet's @nytimes where any wrong by the President must have a foil, real or imaginary, because what's a story without "both sides?"
The story is idiotic, but it's more than that: @nytimes political desk gets played, exploited time & time again 'cause @realDonaldTrump knows them better than they know themselves. He can get his message out unchallenged, because pushback is partisan in the minds of editors there
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