a thread on non-binary people because i’m tired of people asking me stupid questions about it
first of all let’s start by what is gender vs sex:

sex: your biological identity, aka whether you have a penis, a vagina or anything in between.

gender: what you identify as, aka an individual’s concept of themselves.
while most of the world population has their gender aligned with their sex, that is not necessarily the case for every individual.
this brings us to trans and non-binary individuals.

transgender: someone who identifies as a different gender than their assigned sex. it is used as umbrella term that encapsulates non-binary individuals as well.
binary trans people identify as either male or female, while non-binary individuals identify as neither, both or partially as male and/or female.
one thing to mention is that gender is a spectrum, meaning that non-binary does not necessarily equal genderless or a third gender. here is a good picture to help visualize it.
some non-binary people identify as agender (genderless), some identify as genderqueer, and some identify as somewhere between male and female.
it is important to note that it is very common for non-binary people to lean towards male or female. this doesn’t make them any less non-binary as they still identify as something other than the binary genders (male and female).

some individuals also identify as genderfluid (their gender changes/leans towards other genders from time to time)

some but not all non-binary people use they/them pronouns. pronouns are a way to express yourself and can be used to reflect someone’s gender identity, making it important to use the right pronouns when referring to a non-binary person.
some statistics about the hardships non-binary and trans individuals face.

art by Alison Czinkota
as far as i know there are many aspects that determine a gender identity. hormones probably affect someone’s identity and expressions but i think your self perception > hormones.
the difference is mainly how you identify imo. most non-trans people never question their gender identity because how cisnormative our society is, but i believe that if they started questioning their gender they’d eventually realize male or female is how they identify.
this answer turned out to be very messy but my point is male and female people identify as male and female respectively, they just don’t really think about it.
i definitely agree with the second cc you’ve sent, society has made it seem like hormones = sex = gender. also if i were the only person i don’t think i would be able to name my gender. (1/2)
but i would still feel non-binary. like i wouldn’t be able to necessarily put a name on it and strictly say “i’m female leaning non-binary” but i’d still not feel like a man or a woman (2/2) hope that answers your questions :)
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