WHY does the Democratic nominee always have to pander, and have a PLAN for their specific group?

Republicans don't give a SHIT about anybody but their own white wealthy Americans.... Yet, the Democrats have to have a 5 page plan for LGBT, for Immigration, for women. etc.. etc..
Here, let me help you all out...

The GOP wants Gay Marriage BANNED gain, and would in a heartbeat of they could.

On Immigration:
The GOP wants to DEPORT every person they can, and shut the doors behind them.

On Women:
The GOP wants to FORCE women to stay pregnant.
and you KNOW what helps the GOP?

having the Democratic nominee out there, telling everybody how they will make abortion UNLIMITED, to 9 months.

How they will make bathroom laws that allow anybody in any bathroom no matter what.

and, that the Democrats want open borders.
and we fall for this shit, EVERY fucking time.

STOP it, yes... I get it, we have a LOT of communities that have been screwed in the USA... but here's a little secret, the GOP has NO PLANS for you.. they want you GONE.

They want to USE YOU to beat the Democrats.
They want to USE women's issues.. etc.. to DRIVE a wedge between voters... this is why they are called WEDGE issues.

Those issues don't cost the GOP votes, NOT the way the Electoral College is set up, NOPE... they have all the closed minded jackasses in all the right places.
So, please STOP asking the Democrats to stand up TAKE a stand and slit their own throats, just so you can feel pandered to, it's getting ridiculous.

I don't want the Democrats pandering to me right now... I already know they are a THOUSAND times better on my issues than the GOP.
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