"we don't need feminism"
Yes we do Zayed boy, #حق_منه_عبدالعزيز is proof we do.
Take 2 minutes to educate yourself. A thread.
So what does this girls story have to do with anything? I think you are already familiar by now that she was raped, beaten on camera, threatened and blackmailed and that people blamed it on HER. One in a million? Let's see..
According to a study by the UN in 2013, 99.3% of Egyptian women said they faced some form of sexual harassment. 53% of men blamed women for 'bringing it on'.
99.3%.. That is almost every woman. Your family, your friends, your partners.. Your mothers.
Only 12% reported to police.
What happened to the harassers? The prison sentence for harassment in Egypt is 1 year (while that of protesting is 3...) yet so many cases are never reported because of how common this is. This is an everyday reality Egyptian women have to face and when they speak up
They are either told to let it slide 'don't ruin his life', or are shamed for the way they dress and behave 'you must have done something to provoke him'. That is why in 2010 we totalled an estimated 200k cases of rape. A world record at the time..
Even worse, when the stories of their rape become known some women are forced to marry their rapists to 'protect the family's honor'. Some murdered, a lot of them shamed for life.
Honor killings are legal in Egypt, for an example if a man catches his wife cheating and murders her the prison sentence is between 1 to 3 years. Many go free.
Before the year 2000 women couldn't file for divorce "خلع", they couldn't even apply for a passport or travel without the husband's consent. Till this day, there are no laws against a man raping his wife!
26% of women reported domestic violence! The percentage of women between the ages of 20-24 that were first married before the age of 18 is at 17%!! Even after we passed a law against child marriage in 2008, like many of the other laws in Egypt, they are completely ignored.
Women are unfortunately treated like garbage in Egypt, they don't feel safe almost anywhere. Feminism is the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes, it means you believe in equality and that women too, have rights. I understand why that word bothers
So many of you. It is because of the so called feminists you meet on here. It makes me wonder, many of you think Islam is a perfect belief but the problem lies in Muslims, can't that same concept apply to feminism?
Your sisters, your mothers, your friends.. Fellow human beings! Are being treated like garbage and you denounce a whole movement because you don't like the term "feminist". We NEED feminism. We need to stand together and raise awareness. Be a man, stand up for what is right.
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