Who told me to make the mistake of going down an ADOS (American Descendants of Slaves) hashtag rabbit hole? I completely share the concern with racism and wealth inequality (it's one of the things I research) but that shit has some very disturbing elements:
(1) Purity tests. The most important one of course is that qualify as an AMERICAN descendant of African slaves. Never mind that lots of prominent figures might have problems qualifying: Marcus Garvey (Jamaican), Shirley Chisholm (immigrant parents), Malcolm X (Mom from Grenada).
But note that there's also whole swath of black people who they consider "biscuit eaters," who they denigrate. You'll note that this is a much broader definition of cooning and includes mot black Americans who have not woken themselves up to the truth.
(2) Anti-Obama. This is a touchstone. It appears that he represents everything that has been wrong with black politics for decades. He is seen as an accommodator and pleaser who serves the interests of white supremacy. His whiteness comes up a lot in these discussions.
It's almost as if he's an undercover spy that must be called out. They find his usage of American slavery offensive because he is not a descendant of black slaves. He is a different breed.
(3) Xenophobia. You see this all over. There is a ton of resentment against immigrants. Not only have they taken jobs, but they've also gained political clout and gotten more help from Dems than blacks have. Very similar to alt-right and white supremacist rhetoric.
(4) Anti pan and anti-coalition building. Pan Africanism is anathema to these folks. Blacks from other countries are seen as tethers, who only use foundational blacks to push their agenda forward. Coalitions are inherently suspicious because black people are disfavored.
(5) Sexism. Closely tied to all of this is toxic masculinity. To the extent black women speak badly about any black man it is seen as part of an agenda to bring down all black men. Black girl magic is also seen as an attempt to further degrade black men.
(6) Voting downballot. Since the Dems and GOP are the same, ADOS folks advocate not voting for either. Instead they focus on voting down ballot for initiatives and candidates that will push a black agenda like reparations. Never mind that one of the two people running has to win.
Conclusion: if this were just a radical wing that was pushing for more robust solutions like reparations I would have no issue. I think it's good to have people pushing the agenda that way. However, the divisiveness, purity tests, and lack of respect for the people they
supposedly care about goes to show that this movement is morally deficient. I have no idea how they're pushing for a justice agenda and going after other disadvantaged groups. That doesn't sound like justice. It sounds like you just want to be on top and have privileges white
men have had access to. If they people you deem undesirable have to suffer, so be it. No way I would ever sign on to or support that shit.
Correction: here's the voting tweet.
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