The gifted kid discourse on here is two different things. Some of it is about well-off kids whose parents brought them into extra educational programs and some of it is about kids with undiagnosed ADHD reaching adulthood with no support and not being able to cope
Just maybe stop dunking on the latter like it's the former? I have a lot of legit trauma growing up as someone who was told at a formative age "you are, in absolute, objective terms, the most intelligent child in the county" while continually losing all of my things
There are some "gifted kid programs" where wealthy parents give their bright children extra violin lessons and what I had where I was sent to the Special Needs department where they gave me dehumanising voight-kampf tests to check if I was autistic before not helping me
Don't get me wrong this isn't "woe is me, I am intelligent". It is "woe is me, who was told I was super intelligent leading to a lot of pain that could have been avoided if someone had realised I was actually just disabled"
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